Digital Queue Management Solutions in Health

Transform your queues with maximum efficiency and minimum wait times
Automated workflows
minimise wait times

The queue experience begins long before people arrive at your facility. Our Queue Management module for healthcare allows you to reimagine this journey from end to end.

Queue Management
Schedule what plays where and when
Planned and predictable

Appointments are pre-booked online or secured upon arrival, providing certainty to both staff and to those visiting your facility via a real-time, inclusive interface. Queues are largely automated via highly customised workflows.

User-friendly and accessible

We leverage accessible kiosks, web browsers, QR codes and other intuitive features to create a simple and user-friendly experience for your patients and visitors.

Data and reporting
Data and reporting

Dashboards and reporting provide long-term queue data that facilitates informed planning. Post-visit feedback forms can be administered just as easily, delivering valuable insights and areas for improvement.

Queue Managment
What our Queue Management module means for patients, visitors, staff and your organisation:
  • Easier registrations, appointment bookings and walk in experiences
  • Timely SMS prompts and reduced wait times
  • User-friendly, mobile responsive and accessible
  • A singular, integrated source of truth
  • Streamlined user feedback, dashboards, and reporting
  • Complete visibility, density limits, and crowd control
  • Significantly lower manual administration and staff burden
  • Minimal paper-based processes and improved communication
  • Reduced DNA rates and improved patient outcomes

More from the Health Suite

Transform patient experience throughout your facility with our modular solutions

Talk to our team today to craft a queue management solution that is uniquely yours