Digital Front Door Solutions

For hospitals and healthcare providers to modernise the patient experience

Provide patients with a single point of access

Improve productivity and the patient experience

Enhancing your healthcare environment

Improve patient engagement

Personalise experiences that foster connection


Boost efficiency and productivity

Unburden staff from admin and improve capacity


Streamline communication

Automate touchpoints and provide more choice

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attendance rates

Reduce no shows and other inefficiencies

A white paper on how to take the Digital Front Door from strategy to execution, covering key questions, along with statistics, case studies, use cases and other helpful information.

Centralise communication and engage patients

Provide a central patient ‘hub’ for self-service updates and information, along with notifications, reminders, and secure messaging.

Streamline appointment bookings

Automate routine tasks for in-person and telehealth appointment bookings and ensure patients arrive prepared and informed.

Digitise check-in

Allow patients to check-in for their appointment via mobile, kiosk or with assistance.

Patient using check in kiosk and mobile check-in feature

Optimise queuing

Keep patients flowing, improve the wait experience and relieve bottlenecks.

Modernise forms

Digitise data collection with integrated smart forms and automated workflows. For patient intake, discharge, surveys and more.

Digital forms in Digital Front Door solution
Clinican viewing queue management in digital front door solution

Easy administration and full visibility

  • Employees gain full visibility into daily patient statistics and status and can pinpoint bottlenecks
  • Customised dashboards support different levels of your organisation, while data can be made available to existing reporting and business intelligence tools
  • The solution is fully configurable, including branding, workflows, business rules, resources, forms, comms template – without development
  • Patient interfaces are accessible and compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA standards, and can be localised into languages other than English

The smarter way to innovate

Our unique platform makes digital transformation strategic, scalable and sustainable. Create a central place to innovate and meet growing demands faster with automated, self-service workflows.


Innovate at speed

Deploy in record time with low-code and modular solutions.


Configure + customise

Make instant updates without the need for frequent tech support.


Create seamless experiences

Ensure consistent experiences regardless of underlying integrations.


Future-proof your strategy

Start small and scale later by volume or capability: it’s future-proof innovation.

Frequently asked questions

A digital front door in healthcare is an all-encompassing digital platform that provides patients with a single access point to healthcare services. This includes online appointment management, a patient hub to access digital forms and health information resources, and telehealth appointments. By integrating various digital tools, the digital front door enhances the patient experience, making healthcare more accessible, efficient, and personalised. It also centralises communication, streamlines administrative tasks, and improves overall patient engagement.

For patients, a digital front door offers 24/7 access to healthcare services, enabling them to manage appointments, participate in telehealth consultations, and access their health information from anywhere. This convenience empowers patients, improving their engagement and satisfaction. Additionally, automated reminders and notifications help patients stay on top of their healthcare needs, while features like smart forms and self-service check-in reduce wait times and improve the overall experience.

Healthcare providers benefit from a digital front door by increasing operational efficiency and reducing administrative burdens. The platform automates routine tasks, improves patient flow, and enhances communication through centralised messaging systems. Providers can also gain better insights into patient data, enabling more personalised care and improving operational efficiency. The system’s scalability and configurability features make it adaptable to various healthcare settings, ensuring it meets the unique needs of each clinic, hospital, district and provider.

Yes, Five Faces’ digital front door is designed to provide a secure and consistent experience for patients across different care models, departments, and locations. The platform allows patients to access all their healthcare needs in one place, with features like secure messaging between patients and clinics. For example, in a specialist outpatient clinic, while the healthcare provider schedules the appointment, patients are notified electronically and can use secure messaging to reschedule or contact the clinic.

The digital front door integrates with existing systems like PAS, eMR, and scheduling solutions, enhancing appointment management by giving patients more control and communication options. This includes workflows for pre-appointment preparation and post-appointment follow-up, with features such as reminders, navigation information, and the ability to message patients about updates like delays and wait times.

Yes, the digital front door facilitates secure and easy communication with healthcare providers. Patients can use the platform to send secure messages, request appointment changes or information, and engage in telehealth appointments. This streamlined communication enhances interactions between patients and providers, ensuring timely care and support. The platform can integrate with various communication tools to maintain security and compliance with privacy regulations.

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